Make sure that you have set up the upstream repo as described here.
In rkmatch.c, the `main` procedure first invokes normalize to normalize the content of files X and Y. It then invokes exact_match. The invocation passes in---as part of the procedure arguments---the pointer to X's content (const char *qdoc), X's length, the pointer to Y's content (const char *doc), and Y's length. If X and Y are an exact match, the procedure returns 1, otherwise, it returns 0.
Please read all of our scaffolding comments before coding.
Testing: Run the given tester program ./ -t exact
Determining similarity is a much trickier business than performing exact matching. Let us consider a naive algorithm that measures how well document X (of size m) approximately-matches another document Y (of size n). The algorithm considers every substring of length k in X and checks if that substring appears in document Y. For example, if the content of X is "abcd" and k=2, then the algorithm tries to match 3 substrings ("ab", "bc", "cd") in Y. Suppose the algorithm counts ctr number of matched substrings. Since there are total m-k+1 substrings to match, the fraction of matched substrings is ctr/(m-k+1). We can use the calculated fraction as the approximate match score. Intuitively, the more similar file X is to Y, the higher its final score. In particular, if file X is identical to Y, the final score would be 1.0.
Our naive algorithm uses a subroutine to determine whether a shorter string (called the query string) appears as a substring in some other longer string (called the destination string). For the naive algorithm, the query string is a k character-long substring from X and the destination string is the normalized content of Y. The naive way to check for substring match to compare the query string with every substring of length k in Y starting at position 0,1,2,...,(n-k). Thus, each query string takes O(k*n) time. Since there are a total of m-k+1 substrings of X to be matched in Y, the total runtime of our approximate matching algorithm would be O(k*m*n). This runtime is pretty bad and we will ask you to implement a faster version of this algorithm that we refer to as simple approximate matching.
We observe that it is not necessary to do substring matching for all m-k+1 substrings of X, as is done in the naive algorithm. Rather, we can "chop" X into m/k non-overlapping substrings (called chunks) and try to match each chunk in Y. For example, if the content of X is "abcd" and k=2, the optimized algorithm only matches 2 chunks ("ab", "cd") instead of 3 substrings as in the original naive algorithm. Doing so cuts down the runtime by a factor of k to O(m*n) Note that this simple algorithm does not produce the exact same score as the naive algorithm in all scenarios, but the resulting score is close enough for practical purposes. We refer to this version as the simple algorithm.
In rkmatch.c, the main procedure considers each chunk of X in turn and invokes simple_substr_match to find a match in file Y. The invocation passes in---as part of the procedure arguments---the pointer to the chunk, chunk's length (k), the pointer to Y's content and Y's length. If a match is found, the procedure returns 1, otherwise, it returns 0. (If a chunk of X appears many times in Y, the return value should still be 1.)
Please read all of our scaffolding comments before coding.
Testing: Run the given tester program ./ -t simple
Our next optimization comes from using Rabin-Karp substring matching algorithm (RK for short), invented in the eighties by two renowned computer scientists, Michael Rabin and Richard Karp.
RK checks if a given query string P appears as a substring in Y. RK uses the idea of hashing: A hash function turns a string of arbitary length into a b-bit hash value with the property that collision (two different strings having the same hash value) is unlikely. At a high level, RK works by computing a hash for the query string, hash(P), as well as a hash for each of the n-k+1 substrings of length k in Y, hash(Y[0...k-1]), hash(Y[1...k]), ..., hash(Y[n-k...n-1]), where Y[0...k-1] is the first k characters of Y and Y[1...k] is the second k characters of Y and so on. By comparing hash(P) with each of the n-k+1 hashes from Y, we can determine if P appears as a substring in Y. There are many nice hash functions out there (such as MD5, SHA-1), but unfortunately, none of them would make RK any faster since it takes O(k) time to compute each of the n-k+1 hashes from Y.
RK's magical ingredient is its invention of a ``rolling'' hash function. Specifically, given hash(Y[i...i+k-1]), RK takes only constant time instead of O(k) time to compute hash(Y[i+1...i+k]).
We first describe how RK hashes a string. Let's treat each byte as a digit in base-d notation, therefore, we are using base d=256. For example, the string 'ab' corresponds to two digits with one being 97 (the ASCII value of 'a'), and the other being 98 (the ASCII value of 'b'). The decimal value of 'ab' in base-256 can be calculated as 256*97+98 = 24930. The hash of a string P in RK is hash(P[0...k-1]) = 256k-1*P[0]+256k-2*P[1]+...+2561*P[k-2]+P[k-1].
We now see how to do a rolling calculation of the hash values for consecutive substrings of Y. Let yi=hash(Y[i...i+k-1]). We can compute yi+1 from yi in constant time, by observing that
yi+1 = 256k-1*Y[i+1] + 256k-2*Y[i+2] + ... + Y[i+k] = 256 * ( 256k-2*Y[i+1] + ... Y[i+k-1]) + Y[i+k] = 256 * ((256k-1*Y[i] + 256k-2*Y[i+1] + ... Y[i+k-1]) - 256k-1*Y[i]) + Y[i+k] = 256 * ( yi - 256k-1 * Y[i]) + Y[i+k] = 256 * yi - 256k * Y[i] + Y[i+k]In order to achieve constant time calculation, we have to remember the value of 256k in a variable instead of re-computing it each time.
Now we've seen how rolling hash works. The only fly in the ointment is that these base-256 hash values are too huge to work with efficiently and conveniently. Therefore, we perform all the computation in modulo q, where q is chosen to be a large prime (food for thought: why a prime instead of non-prime?). Hash collisions are infrequent, but still possible. Therefore once we detect some yi = hash(P), we should compare the actual strings Y[i...i+k-1] and P[0...k-1] to see if they are indeed identical.
Since RK speeds up substring matching to O(n) (assuming hash collusion is unlikely) instead of O(n*k) as in the simple algorithm. However, we still need to run RK m/k times for each of the m/k chunks of X to be matched in Y. Thus, our approximate matching algorithm using RK has an overall runtime of O((m/k)*n).
Your job: Implement the RK substring matching algorithm by completing the rabin_karp_match procedure. When calculating the hash values, you should use the given modulo arithmatic functions, madd, mdel, mmul.
As with simple_substr_match, the main procedure will invoke rabin_karp_match for each chunk of X to be matched. rabin_karp_match has the same interface as simple_match and should return 1 if the chunk appears as a substring in Y or 0 if otherwise.
Read the code comments carefully to guide your implementation.
Testing: Run the given tester program ./ -t rk
A Bloom filter is a bitmap of h bits initialized to zeros in the beginning. We insert all m/k RK hash values of X that we want to match into the ``filter''.
To insert a value v into the bitmap, we use f hash functions to map v into f positions in the bitmap and set each position to be one. For example, starting with a 10-bit bitmap and f=2, if v is mapped to positions 1,5 and v' is mapped to 3,9, the bitmap after inserting v,v' would be 0101010001. There are many reasonable conventions with which we can use a byte array to represent a bitmap. In this lab, we expect you follow one specific convention and interpret bits in the Big-Endian convention within a byte. For example, we use a 2 byte array to represent a 10-bit bitmap. The first byte represents the first 8-bit of the bitmap. And the most-significant-bit of the first byte represents the first bit of the bitmap. The most-significant-bit of the second byte represents the 9-th bit of the bitmap. Suppose the bitmap is 0101010001, then the array content is {0x54, 0x40}.
After we have inserted all m/k hash values of X, we proceed to calculate every yi in Y and check whether it *may* match any of the elements in the filter. This is done by mapping each yi into f positions using the same f hash functions and checking whether *all* f positions contain value 1. If so, yi is a probable match. We say the yi's match is probable because Bloom filter incurs false positives in that yi may be considered to equal to some of the m/k hash values even though it is not. Note that the correctness of this approach relies on the important property of Bloom filter that it never incurs false negatives. Thus, to confirm that yi is a real match, we check whether Y[i...i+k-1] is indeed identical to any of the X[0...k-1]_,_X[k...2k-1]... strings.
Using a Bloom filter, our enhanced algorithm has a total runtime of O(m+n) (assuming there are not too many false positives), significantly faster than our previous two versions of approximate matching!
You should complete this part of the lab in two steps. First, implement the bloom filter functions.
Your job: First implement the Bloom filter functions by implementing the bloom_init, bloom_query, and bloom_add in the source file bloom.c.
To help you implement bloom_add and bloom_query, we provide you with a particular hash function implementation for Bloom filter, int hash_i(int i, long long x). This function will hash a given Rabin-Karp hash value x into an int value according to the i-th hash function. The number of hash functions that you should use is given by BLOOM_HASH_NUM, a global constant defined in file bloom.c.
Please read all of our scaffolding comments before coding.
Testing: After you are done with the bloom filter implementation, test its correctness with our test script, using the command ./ -t bloom The test script invokes bloom_test (see its implementation in bloom_test.c) to test your bloom filter implementation and it compares your output to the correct answer.
Next, implement the RK algorithm using the Bloom filter functions that you just implemeneted.
Your job:Complete the rabin_karp_batchmatch procedure in rkmatch.c. In the template code, we tell you the size of the bitmap to use (in bits) as a procedure argument (bsz). In the rabin_karp_batchmatch procedure, you should invoke the auxilary function bloom_init to allocate and initialize a byte array (i.e. character array) that will pack bsz bits for use as the bloom filter's bitmap. You should then compute all m/k RK hash values corresponding to X's chunks and insert them into the Bloom filter using bloom_add. Subsequently, you scan Y's content and compute a RK value for each of its n-k+1 substrings and query its presence in the Bloom filter using bloom_query. If bloom_query indicates a potential match, you proceed to check that the corresponding substring of Y indeed matches one of the m/k chunks of X.
Keep in mind that unlike simple_substr_match or rabin_karp_match, returning 1 or 0 is no longer sufficient; rabin_karp_batchmatch is invoked only once and therefore must return the total number of chunks of X that have appeared in Y.
Please read all of our scaffolding comments before coding.
Testing: Run the given tester program ./ -t rkbatch to test your batch Rabin-Karp method. Once you've finished all parts of the lab, you should run the full suite of tests by running the test program without arguments, ./
Note while the testing script will give you a good idea of your final lab grade, its score does NOT constitute an assurance. In particular, just because they pass the tests does not necessarily mean that they implemented everything perfectly.
$ git commit -am "Finish lab2" $ git push originWe will fetching your lab files from at the specified deadline and grade them.