Type the following in your virtual machine:
$ cd ~ $ git clone http://news.cs.nyu.edu/~jinyang/fa15-cso/labs/cso15-labs.gitYou will see that a directory named cso15-labs has been created under your home directory. The subdirectory cso15-labs/clab contains this lab's code. Go to the lab's directory by typing:
$ cd cso15-labs/clab
$ make $ build/part1 variable should be 5, actually is 3! AbortedFrom the above error message, you can see that it did not pass the test. Debug and try again. Complete and test each part individually.
Once you've passed the tests for all six labs, you can double check your test-passing status by typing:
$ ./grade-lab assignment [part1.c]: OK swap [part2.c]: OK array sum [part3.c]: OK point structure [part4.c]: set_point: OK point_dist: OK linked list [part5.c]: list_insert: OK list_end: OK list_size: OK list_find: OK list_remove: OK bitwise operators [part6.c]: get_exponent_field: OK clear_msb: OK bit_at_index: OK Score: 65/65Above shows the example output of a successful full test.
$ make handinThis creates a file called lab1.tar.gz. Submit this file here.