- L1: C exercises (Due: 9/27)
- L2: Rabin-Karp lab (due: 10/11)
- L3: Binary lab (due: 10/30)
- L0: Auxiliary lab on C (due: 11/15)
- L4: Malloc lab (due: 12/4)
- L5: Concurrency lab (due: 12/20)
Collaboration Policy
See here
Programming Environment
You are required to do all labs on the class virtual machine (based on Ubuntu Linux).
To get the virtual machine running on your personal desktop or laptop, take the following steps.
- Step 1. Download the Virtualbox
virtual machine monitor Version 4.3.30 (Please just use version 4.3.30 and not any other version.) Choose the right
binary to download according to the type of operating system running on your laptop.
- Step 2. Download the class virtual machine image here. This file is fairly large (1.1GB), so you need to be patient.
- Step 3. Install and launch Virtualbox. On the Virtualbox application toolbar, under the Menu
item "File", click on "Import appliance...", and choose the previously downloaded lubuntu14.04.ova file
when prompted.
- Step 4. After importing, start the virtual machine named "lubuntu" and log in using
the username and password given in Piazza).
Change your password.
If you wish to use your own existing Linux-based desktop or laptop instead
of the class virtual machine, that is fine. But note that we don't
have the energy or expertise to debug any problems you might have.